About Us

Our connection to Sri Lanka is through our parents when we would go to Sri Lanka. Starting 5th grade, we started working with our uncle in Anuradhapura to support children at rural Orphanagers in Sri Lanka. Visiting orphanagers and providing funds and goods put a huge smile on these amaing children. Empathy is something you feel and you learn. We feel and we felt for these children when we were at their center. We want to bring the same feeling of empathy, teach young children to care, to feel and to understand someone elses hardshipts and journeys. Our journey of caring for underserved children started years back, but we learned we can take our program to a higherlevel if we get help. We never looked back, and today we want to contribute more. We were young, and had the chance to visit rural orphanagers in Sri Lanka and our hearts broke into pieces. The children were our age, but they barely had books to write, barely had sheets to sleep in. But they had shelter otherwise they would not. We simply donated very little items, and the smile on their faces made our hearts melt of how appreciative the children were for tiny gifts we provided. That grew into an obsession. Every year whatever the money we could save, we saved and purchased items to donate to the children. Slowly we moved from donating to offering services to the local hospital patients. This year, we were honored to have visited the Thalassamia Hospital for children and we were able to contribute our time. All this time, I thought services were already available, but they are not. I am starting a project, where high school students, and college students and their families are able to visit these rural cities and contribute their time to get to know the centers and contribute funds and/ or their time in providing a service. Help us help these amazing students. It is a small price to pay to make life a little better for them!

We are two sisters trying to make a difference. We wanted to adopt all the brothers and sisters, but legally the process is quite hard that this is the nest best step. Help the students the best way we can! Today I am 17, and my younger sister is 12. We both are dedicated to this cause as we are dedicated to our academics. I hope one day, we can build this organization and bring a smile to every underserved child that we come across, not just in Sri Lanka but as many countries as we can serve.